About March – 2018 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar
The image from March in the 2018 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar was shot in La Jolla, California in the Marine Room. This particular shot was taken in what is called “Devils Slide”. Some have commented at first glance they thought it was stormy skies… but it’s actually the beauty from below the waves. Our visibility here in California is always challenging. In fact this was the first time ever I was even able to see the Devil’s Slide area at all. But sometimes we are given an epic day, and this was one of them! While getting tossed in waves isn’t typically my favorite thing… :D, this day just had the perfect conditions where I could see so clearly below and the waves didn’t have much power so getting tossed a few times was easier to deal with. My disclaimer. of course, make sure you evaluate conditions, have a buddy and are being SAFE before attempting photos like this. 😀
The Polycera hedgpethi was a tiny find! One of many awesome nudibranchs we have here in southern California! This colorful guy was found arounf 65 feet at La Jolla Shores in an area affectionately referred to as the “crap patch”. Storms have torn this area apart over and over but it keeps on coming back! It’s an awesome area to to look for macro subjects. You could spend your entire dive just inspecting a small square footage!
With a size up to 12 inches, the pacific seahorse is one of the largest species you’ll find in the world! They are masters at blending in and it’s easy to skip right over them dispite their size. Typically pacific seahorses like calm grassy areas in mucky parts of the water. During the El Nino season these beauties somehow made it to La Jolla Shores for a season and they were such a treat to find!
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Love to read. Keep the good work👏