Learn about the underwater photography featured in July of the Underwater Paparazzi 2020 calendar!
Moving down the Pacific coast, these next images are from the beautiful Chanel Islands in California!

It was a tough year last year in regards to good visibility. But we had a few windows of clarity and jumped on the chance to dive. This dive at Santa Barbara Island was one of them. Visibility ranged from 40-60 feet and was the prettiest blue I’d seen in southern California in awhile. Found this bat star posing nicely in the kelp forest!

Harbor seals!! I mean how can you look at that adorable whiskered face and not swoon?! This cutie caught me by surprise and I definitely did not have the proper setting dialed in, but still managed to capture this image! Apparently it had been messing with me for awhile. I felt a tugging on my fins but I thought I was just tangled in kelp. I figured I’d finish take the shot I was after before I untangled myself… Well, I wasn’t tangled, this harbor seal kept pulling at my fins wanting to play!

I love kelp, that’s not secret and this is no exception. While this is some newly formed kelp instead of the stalks you’ve seen from other images, I thought the sunlight rays and purple algae really made this image pop! This was taken in the shallows off of Catalina Island, another one of the eight channel islands

These goofballs will seriously swim right up to your camera to check themselves out. The sheephead fish are actually all born female. The most dominant one will transition to a male and pretty much have a harem of females follow him. This was also taken off Catalina Island.
The 2020 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar is now available! Proceeds go to a great cause! Buy your new calendar here !
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