Mission Bay, San Diego, California
We had an entirely different plan on how our Sunday dives were going to happen. For instance…
Step 1: wake up at 6:30AM….. FAIL. (I hit that snooze button with a vengeance.)
Step 2: Be out the door by 7AM….. FAIL (I hit the snooze button, remember? :D)
Step 3: Launch the zodiac by 7:45 AM….. FAIL (Still sleeping…..)
Anyways, we didn’t wake up till 8:30 AM. oops. Regardless we rallied, and the plan was to maybe do a fun dive on NOSC tower, then Mike wanted to hunt around for some halibut or calicos in the shallow rocky areas. All options let me play with my camera to my hearts content. 😀 We get down to launch the boat, and the wind picked up and there was some nice chop happening. I think secretly both our stomachs did flip flops thinking about the open ocean with a little boat. But still, we were up and the boat was packed with our gear and we were going to do it anyway. As we started on the slow ride out I start plugging in the GPS unit to get our favorite fishing spots loaded on screen. Blank screen. Uh oh. I fiddle with it some more with no luck. We pull off to the side and Mike sees if he could fix it. Nothing. Awesome. So we decide to at least head out and dive NOSC tower. The mooring lines aren’t hard to find if you know the general area they are in. But like we were worried about, the wind chop was a bit rough on the ocean for a small inflatable boat. Mike makes the suggestion of just diving the bay…. I can’t say my immediate reaction was a rounding cheer and a happy dance, but whatever, at least I get to dive and now it’ll be my personal challenge to find the beauty in the bay. In the back of my mind I’m thinking of the mushy, low viz, gross, bottom of the bay where I typically only dive when I’m the Divemaster for a Rescue class. Holy cow was I wrong. Sunday we had at least 15 feet of viz. And while Mike went hunting, I had the most relaxing hour dive poking along rocks with my camera. Granted I was never deeper than 20 feet and my average depth was about 10 feet, so it may have been more of a glorified snorkel, but it actually ended up being the perfect place to practice with my new lens. So even though our Sunday didn’t quite pan out to be what we planned, it was still a great dive!
Max Depth: 20 feet
Temp: 63 degrees
Viz –15+ feet
Current: light
Surge: none
Bottom Time: 63 min
Eye Candy:
Ahhh, another time that things turn out as they should.