La Jolla Shores, California – Vallecitos Point
Dive #424
Huge swell reported. Stay home, make it a gear maintenance week, sort old photos, maybe watch some ocean documentary on netflix to get your water fix… OR defy all odds, ignore all warnings, and go head to the beach because it is GORGEOUS out! This swell has skipped over La Jolla Shores leaving mini baby waves, and beautiful blue water!
Mike H, Kim M, and I met up for a pre work dive. Believe me, as unappealing as a 5:30 AM meetup sounds, it was so worth it! Easy entrance, no surge and we easily had 30 feet of viz. At one point I looked up and could see the surface! Checked my depth… 57 feet! It was a great dive complete with a large octopus, feeding sarcastic fringehead and halibut, a few nudi’s and more bombing cormorants in one dive than I’ve ever had before. Thanks for the dive guys! Oh anyone know an ID on the second photo? Flat worm or nudi? Made its way into the hole before I could look for rhinophores. Thanks!
#2 is a polyclad flatworm – pseudoceros luteus