La Jolla Shores, California
Met up at 6 PM for an evening dive at the Shores. While I do love summer days of late sunsets, I do miss my true night dives. Going to have to remedy that soon. But anyways, surf was easy, small waves with no power. Looking down, things looked a little green. We dropped around 30 something feet and were just a few feet from the wall. Viz was 10-15 feet in pockets but no surge, which is always nice. It was your typical shores dive with lots of sarcastic fringeheads, gobys and pipe fish. Saw a few of the salp chains I’d been hearing reports about but sadly no jellies. The highlight of the dive was being photo bombed by a cormorant at 30 feet. I was taking a photo of a pipe fish when the bird dove right in front of me! I threw my camera into video and had no time to white balance it, so it’s super green. But can’t say I’ve ever had that close of an encounter with a cormorant! It was pretty awesome. Apparently, according to my dive buddy, the bird kept buzzing me while I was engrossed with taking a photo (this must be why I keep missing the sharks too, LOL) Guess I made a new friend today!
Max Depth: 78 feet
Temp: 54 degrees
Viz – 10-15 feet
Current: mild
Surge: none
Bottom Time: 42 min
Eye Candy: Sarcastic fringeheads, gobys, juvenile rock fish, brittle sea stars, sea lemon, salps, sheeps crabs, hemphil crab, blue banded goby, and pipe fish
Photo Bomb by a Friendly Cormorant