La Jolla Cove, California
Yes, I’m determined to see a seven gill shark in the Cove. Yes we got skunked again today. And YES I’m trying again tomorrow!! I’m taking full advantage of the calm cove and decent viz right now till I see a freaking seven gill shark. 6AM, Melissa, Ryan, Tim and I started out our fourth of July the right way. Parking was already starting to fill up and the lawn was covered with tents of people camping out to reserve their “spot” for the days festivities. Regardless of the fact we didn’t see sharks (which I’m thinking has a lot to do with the six million fishing boats on the outskirts of the cove) we had a great 63 minute dive. No waves, light surge, pockets of good 25 foot viz. Water temp was 58 degrees at depth. Few bay ray fly bys, and tons of the resident fish. Few clips and photos below, I will update my shark repellent status tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I can break my curse!
Max Depth: 48 feet
Temp: 56 degrees
Viz – 10-25 feet
Current: mild
Surge: none really
Bottom Time: 63 min
Eye Candy: bat rays, male and female sheepshead, sheep crab, senoritas, perch, spiny lobsters, blacksmith fish, noble dorid, and bass
Viz! I was sitting 25 feet below and could see the surface. 🙂
I was the guy suiting up next to you. No sevengills for me but lots of black sea bass and bat rays and a harbor seal to keep me company.
Hi!! 😀 It is a bummer, but conditions have been so nice, it’s almost no big deal with no 7 gill shark encounters. ALMOST. lol