Scripps Canyon, La Jolla, California
A group of us took a boat out to Scripps Canyon to dive on Sunday. Ocean was relatively calm and I was excited to experience this site FINALLY!!! Talk about a site where I wished I had unlimited bottom time more than normal. haha The cracks and crevices were full of surprises. Apparently we picked the low viz section of the canyon with about 15 feet of greenish viz, while Derek and James picked the 30-40 viz parts to dive in…. I know who I’m tagging along with next time!! But it was awesome to experience a dive site I’d never been to before right in La Jolla. I love the deep dives here and it’s killing me how much deep diving limits my bottom time… maybe it’s time to start thinking about tech diving…. the things I’ll do to play underwater with my camera just a little bit longer….
Max Depth: 94 feet
Temp: 51 degrees
Viz – 15 feet and greenish
Current: light
Surge: light
Bottom Time: 25 min
Eye Candy: Anemones, rockfish, spanish shawl, sculpin, vermilion rockfish, huge sheepshead, red gorgonians,
what?!! no swell sharks?!?!?!
New place, new experience, sounds great!