La Jolla Shores, California
Hard to have a case of the Mondays when topside conditions were as beautiful as they were! Aqua water, 1 foot waves, no current, just awesome. Although that green bubbly stuff is on the surface again…. and with the recent visit of the black sea nettles, I’d say I think red tide is coming. 😀 BIO-LUMINESCENT DIVES!!! YES!!! But not yet… 😀 At least I hope that’s what that means…. otherwise there is some weird crap in the water. And being that I forgot to switch out my trim weights with the steel 80 I was diving with….I was 6 pounds heavy and that green crap kept hitting me in the face on the kick out. Ew. Anyways, Ryan, Kimo, Andrew, and I headed to the canyon to go see if our little buddy, the wolf eel was around. I’m sad to say… I think she has moved. We scoured the area where we have visited her on numerous occasions, and the topography has definitely changed… and we think the den she was living in caved in. We are going to try again this weekend just to be sure, I will keep you posted. Maybe we were just having a bad navigation day. haha We still had an awesome dive. Viz was about 10-15 feet and a little hazy. Temps were upper 60’s in the shallows and mid 50’s at depth. (Still not warm enough to go without a hood to a certain 15 year old diver in our group who was trying to be a bad ass *cough cough* ANDREW, hehe. Only one way they learn I guess 🙂 ) Saw a few baby horn sharks, octopus, very feisty sarcastic fringeheads, and a sheeps crab munching on a black sea nettle. Topped off the dive with a leopard shark fly by in the shallows. Great start to the week. Next will be a 5:30 AM “what the heck was I thinking getting up this early” dive on Thursday at the cove to hopefully break my seven gill curse. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Max Depth: 78 feet
Temp: 54 degrees
Viz – 10 – 15 feet
Current: none
Surge: none
Bottom Time: 38 min
Eye Candy: baby horn sharks, octopus, gobys, sheeps crab, black sea nettle, yellow crab, leopard shark, sarcastic fringeheads, and a noble dorid
Great review on your dive as usual, but, like you said….eeeuuuuuuuww! When you see ‘Trash’ you’ll know for sure Japan has arrived!