La Jolla Cove, California
Its official. The cove and I are friends again! I’m still shark repellent but I’m getting closer to squashing that issue, I can feel it. The boys saw a soupfin and possibly a seven gill in the distance, which I missed because I was fiddling with my camera. :/ Regardless it was a BEAUTIFUL day to dive the cove. I met up with Ryan and Kimo at 6 AM, and the goal was to find and record the location of the Genghis Khan statue as apart of Ryan’s Divemaster mapping project which is the last thing he needed to finish the map. We were the second group to get into the water, no waves, calm, still and completely peaceful. We kicked out to the yellow buoy and apparently about 5 seconds after we drop the boys saw the soupfin. The positive side is that Ryan can stop telling people I’m bad luck at the Cove, and the negative side is I missed it. Oh well. 🙂 Viz was a tad hazy, but we could still see easily 25 feet plus! And with no surge, I was ecstatic. It was going to be a really good dive, I just knew it. 10 minutes later we nailed the Genghis Khan statue!!! You can see the video below of Ryan taking some footage, you can see he’s pretty stoked about it at the end. You can almost see him saying “YES!!!! I am AWESOME!!”…………….. We let him believe he’s funny. 😀 Anyways, we surface and take some visual specs down. Then spent the rest of the hour dive playing. After cruising around a bit we came across a Giant Sea Bass!! My first one! I caught some video below, but I’ll have to get Kimo’s footage from him, he was closer and with his GoPro mounted to his scooter, it should be interesting on how it turned out. When we got back to shore, the place was crawling with divers. It was an amazing day to be in the water!
Max Depth: 51 feet
Temp: 58 degrees
Viz – 15-25 feet
Current: mild on the outskirts of the cove
Surge: none
Bottom Time: 58 min
Eye Candy: Genghis Khan, garibaldi, spiny lobsters, calico bass, senorita fish, perch, noble dorid, sheeps crab, gargonians, starfish, and a Giant Sea Bass!!
Ryan’s Genghis Khan Celebration
My First Giant Sea Bass Sighting!