About December – 2018 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar

I LOVE diving the channel islands! This was taken in San Clemente which typically can have the best visibility in Southern California. Twenty-one miles long and two to four miles wide, Clemente is the fourth largest and southernmost island of the Channel Islands. Rich with hypnotizing kelp forests and beautiful golden gorgonians, these islands provide picturesque views for days! Then add a splash of wild orange color from the Garibaldi… just amazing!

Finding giant kelp fish is fun game. They are masters of disguise and can blend into their surroundings to look like blades of kelp swaying in the current. So pay attention to those kelp stalks… one of those blades just might not be what you think it is… and it might be staring back at you…

We have have very rad but temperamental wreck diving in San Diego. The most recognized is the HMCS Yukon. It was always meant to be an artificial reef, but the funny story is that due to some storming waters, this boat sunk the night before her big sinking party. I mean, typically you’re late to your own party, not early, right? 😀 Regardless this is one of San Diego’s diving playgrounds that is covered in stunning life like these bright pink strawberry anemones all over the entire structure!
Have you ordered your 2019 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar yet? Proceeds go to a great cause! Learn more and buy your new calendar here!
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