About April – 2018 Underwater Paparazzi Calendar

The image from April in the 2018 Underwater Paparazzi calendar was a personal bucket list find! This image was shot in La Jolla Shores, in the canyon around 55 feet deep. Most of you probably already know of my love for octopus. I scrolled through many epic Instagram photos captured of an octopus with her eggs, wishing that I could witness something so amazing myself. Then one day, a friend announced she found one locally! I was then on a mission with her directions! I was lucky to not only find this momma to be, but to be able to visit her regularly to see the development of her eggs! It was so incredible to witness! Special thanks to @corinnelovesnature for her awesome find!

There are soooo many types of nudibranchs! No matter what part of the world you’re in, they are so fun to find! From the tiniest speck to a few inches long, they are bright and beautiful and a really fun macro subject! This one was found in La Jolla Shores in our “crap patch” hanging out on a blade of grass. It’s called a Flabellina trilineata. It can be found from Baja California, Mexico to Alaska.

Juvenile Horn Sharks are a local favorite. They are cute and small and extremely photogenic. They are common on the coast of California. This one was also in La Jolla Shores. You can find them resting on the bottom at the depths of the main wall and super shallow hanging out in the sand dollar beds in 15-20 feet of water. These babies are generally around 6-12 inches long but their parents generally max out in length around 3.5 feet!
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What species of octopus is that? Two spot? Very cool to be able to see the babies through the egg cases!
I’m not entirely sure since she stayed in that hole. but either a 2 spot or a just a common red octopus I would guess?